quinta-feira, 30 de dezembro de 2010


Welcome, welcome, welcome.

This is our humble blog. Feel free to look around, stare if you wish, and drown yourself in the opinions of three teenage girls with very different tastes.

Girls who don't have all that much time to blog, but find a way to do so. They find time because they love to share their opinions and thoughts (and try their best to so coherently) on everything. Especially books. Because books, for them, are little contained worlds filled with chaos, excessive fluff, the occasional rotten smell or amazingness*.

And they - the three girls, with different tastes and different opinions - created this little blog to share amazingness.

To comment, discuss (and fangirl a bit) on why certain books are so good that everyone should take some time and read them. NOW!

Of course, and since they're very opinionated, they'll also rant on why some books aren't all that amazing, not even a little, not even a bit, not even at all.

So, if you want to embark in this journey filled with awesome, random, and at time lame comments feel free to follow and friend this blog. Because these three girls wouldn't mind a couple of extra followers or friends in the blog world.

ALSO, the occasional film/game review might appear, because these three girls like to vary. :]


Introducing THE THREE GIRLS we talk about so much in our intro (above):

Rute: The one who experiments. She's the one who will most easily leap out and try a new book, new genre or new style. She has an easy taste and is also a huge fan of historical fiction.

Heated (though concise and friendly) debates head your way if you ever try to disagree with her. She might sound sweet and adorable, but she can always make a point, make you admit (at times without even noticing)that she's right and still put a cute smiley in the end. n_n

[She's also the one responsible for how lovely our blog is. Thank you, Rute!]

Daniela: The one who does not like it when male characters have blue eyes. Or green eyes. Lets say that she wishes more brown eyed beauties existed in her favourite books. (Me and Rute don't see her issue, since we think brown eyes are present enough in literature, but don't let her read that.)

She's an avid Nora Robert's reader, but isn't afraid of some content in her books.

She also loves action thrillers and often argues with Karla about how lame (and lovey dovey) some of the stories she reads are.

Karla: The one who is insanely awesome.

Err, well, she's the one who's typing this introductory post, anyway. She likes to read a bit of everything, though Young Adult is her favourite genre at the moment. Worlds and universes where everything is drastic, wrong and horrible until some kick-ass heroine comes and saves the day are her cup-of-tea . . . Cliché as they may be.

Contrarily to Daniela she's a tough defender of fluff, though she doesn't mind an unhappy ending.

So, these are the three girls. US. We hope some of you find us interesting enough to follow. We promise at least a review a week. If you want to suggest any review, please don't hesitate on telling.

Much later,
Golden Flamingos**


* Yes, we are aware that 'amazingness' is not a word, which makes it all the more epic, thank you very much. u_u

** Oh, before I forgot, this blog is named Golden Flamingos, as you might have noticed. It's not an allusion to golden writing or books so great that they ought to be written with a flamingo feather. It simply exists as it is because anything else would be lame.

Oh, and it's cute and pretty. We like pretty stuff. Like everyone should.


END NOTE (KARLA) : I apologise for any typos in this and further posts. English is not our mother tongue so please don't be mean in pointing out how we swapped 'their' with 'they're' . . . again!

1 comentário:

  1. Hey there, it's me Sophie (from PageTurnersBlog/Mundie Moms). Your blog looks great. Keep up the reviews and the fun!!! Thanks for the invite to click on over. :D
