quarta-feira, 19 de janeiro de 2011

Going too Far, by Jennifer Echols

Hey! ^__^

This year we've been a bit slow on the reviewing process. We're sorry! We will try to speed things up. Of course, some book suggestions or requests would be most welcome.

But, anyway, today I'm reviewing, as the tittle suggests, Going too Far by Jennifer Echols.

I came across this book and this author in my ravaging search for a good contemporary YA novel to read. I'm glad I found them (the book and the author), because they certainly didn't disappoint me and gave me an interesting and satisfying story.

All Meg has ever wanted is to get away. Away from high school. Away from her backwater town. Away from her parents who seem determined to keep her imprisoned in their dead-end lives. But one crazy evening involving a dare and forbidden railroad tracks, she goes way too far...and almost doesn't make it back.
John made a choice to stay. To enforce the rules. To serve and protect. He has nothing but contempt for what he sees as childish rebellion, and he wants to teach Meg a lesson she won't soon forget. But Meg pushes him to the limit by questioning everything he learned at the police academy. And when he pushes back, demanding to know why she won't be tied down, they will drive each other to the edge -- and over....
The fact that the apparent love interest is a police officer who has to “enforce the rules, serve and protect” (Who doesn't like a man in uniform? ^__~) was certainly the reason that made me pick up the book. Few can resist a 'forbidden love' romance. There's a reason they're a cliché, they're absolutely delicious!

Not that this book really goes there, but it plays with that story line a bit and the interaction between Meg and John trough out the book was well played. 

The banter was entertaining and never “too much”, the relationship evolved slowly and in a realistic manner. . .They didn't say “heck it all” and throw themselves at each other, because they're both insanely hot and trough the summary you'd already guessed  that, at some point, they'd have a relationship. 

Both characters also remain true to themselves until the end, though they do, in a way, grow up and learn. You always want the characters to learn something trough out the experiences they live in a book.

And now I'm rambling. I'll just end this by saying, this is a very cute, funny and entertaining read. It also has a couple of twists I wasn't expecting, which made happy. I hate that in most books you can see a little too much ahead of the protagonist.

It's also rather small so it'll be a quick read. If you ever see it at your book store/library, pick it up.

If you already read this book feel free to post your own opinion in the comments bellow.

More later,
- Karla

2 comentários:

  1. Hello Karla. I love the blog, is beautiful and full of great books.

    When I read for the first time Going to far, I have a great surprise. The characters are very realistic and I really understand Megs problems, like the feeling of be trapped in her on small town.

    But sometimes she’s look like that irritate school friend that you all ready tired from. I hate my parents, I hate my life, and all the word, bla, bla, bla...

    But is a really good book, and the and is one of my favorites.

    Ah, thanks for visiting my blog, and you very welcome.

    Books after midnight - Nel

    PS. Sorry my English is a little rust.

  2. Hey, Nel! Obrigada! ^___^

    Yes, the characters in "Going too Far", feel real, they have real problems, real flaws and moments when you really want to cheer for them. Realistic characters, in my opinion, make the reader care!

    Though, yeah, I can see how, at times, she could be annoying.

    P.S. Your English is great! Mas, futuramente, se quiseres podes comentar em Português, que nós três somos Tugas. ^__~

    Apenas escrevemos em Inglês para apelar a um público maior.

    ~ Karla
